Turia magazine

Turia is a small-sized weekly magazine with a long history. Inlcudes the actual cultural programs of Valencia, the TV programs, news of the cinema and publish articles of sport and gastronomy as well.

Special edition covers

Average covers

During the project we redesignes the structure of the magazine, but we retained the original conept and content. The old editions ot the publication were our inspiration.

The publication includes several sections, as we made an easy-use design for the later editions. We used onlu on colour, and to reduce the costs, we divided the publication to two parts according to the content. The middle part of the publication is in black and white and rest; like gastronomy cinemy, ect, —because of the impotante of the colours— we used images in colour.

The egg of Colon is an iconic motif of the magazine, what appears frequently. They use this element fro the beginning so we also designes most of the graphic element of the form of an egg.

size: 12,5 cm x17,5 cm

extent: 89 pages

fonts: Hans Grotesque, HK Serif

design and concept: Diego March Ávila, Dóra Hujber

print: PQR Reprografía

EASD Valencia


Costa del Sol


La metamorfosis